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Dream Archive — William

Soviet Dating Sim (1 December 2020)
 I had a dream I want to share
 It was very interesting
 Ok so I wasn't me in my dream I was another person
 I was working in some general store like Loblaw's as a clerk
 Like the people that get your food and make you pay
 Anyways that was my job
 And then the manager calls me
 I was in trouble for stealing and breaking small things over the years (because I had worked there for that long apparently)
 So he gave me a warning and that I was on thin ice. But my reaction (again I wasn't inhabiting my own body) was like sure whatever I just won't get caught
 That part of the story isn't relevant from now on
 For some reason there was a common living apartment that was provided for those that lived and worked near the shop
 So I guess I was in soviet Russia because that's the only way that would make sense
 And the way the apartment building was made was that there was a toilet room separated by sex but shower rooms where just used on a reservation basis so there were like 5 per floor, you reserved it and used it in your privacy
 And that day it rained really hard on my way back from work and I was drenched head to toe
 As I was coming into the building, another resident came in, also drenched from the rain
 She was a lady that had curly redhead and wore this long black and white striped shirt
 She looked pretty much exactly like this:

centered image

 So obviously we had to change clothes so she hung our current clothes in one of the shower rooms that she had reserved to let them dry a bit before taking them into our respective rooms
 Since we had never met before and we had helped each other, we stayed in the communal room of our floor while we waited for the shower reservation to expire
 *Back to the soviet Russia thing, pretty sure we weren't speaking French, maybe English but idk, not important but still
 So the way the communal room for the floor was set up we were sitting next to each other on a large circular sofa
 Kind of like this:

centered image

 So we were taking about what led us to this apartment (which wasn't the best for obvious reasons)
 I explained that I worked at the store next door and couldn't afford more than this government granted room with my salary
 The building kind of looked like this:

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 She then explained her reasons for being here (don't remember) and how she wasn't too happy about it either
 So we bonded over our dislike of our position but not for too long
 Now I'm not too sure where the story goes but here are the important linking points:
 1. As you can see in the sofa image, we could slide apart enough so we wouldn't face or see each other while talking
 So at some point we did that
 Pretty sure the conversation was more personal
 Wait I remember!
 Ok so I remember her taking a liking to me as I was describing my reaction to the boss nagging me earlier and how I reacted
 And I thought then (might be wrong) that she was coming onto me
 So I then slid so I didn't face her and explained I was this edgy guy who made the lives of those around him dangerous and complicated and I would never want to include her in my troubling endeavours (all with a very sarcastic tone) and she was laughing at it
 So it was reciprocal I believe
 2. We got our dried clothes back I don't remember if it was her idea or some 3rd person in the apartment who told us but that since we hated it so much here, we could rent a hotel room for one night if we split the bill since it as so prohibitively expensive as a sort of vacation
 And we did
 The hotel room looked like this:

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 Again, very fancy
 3. We were pretty happy about the room and tried the bed since our own beds were leagues below this kind of comfy levels
 While I was still on top of the bed she went in from of the mirror that was facing the bed
 And removed her top while looking at me, pretty much like this:

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 She was very much beautiful
 And then my dream ended
 But for the lads let's say I did the deed for laughs
 That's it!
 It was a very cool dream and unique in many ways so that's why I wanted to share it
 Obviously took some liberties when explaining the details but overall it is very accurate